Carol was appointed Editor-in-Chief of Computing Reviews in February 2002, replacing Neal Coulter. She has been Head Librarian at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library of New York University since 1992. Prior to that, from 1983 to 1992, she was Head Librarian at Swain Hall Library at Indiana University in Bloomington. From 1979 to 1982, she was Science Coordinator for the University of New Mexico General Library. From 1976 to 1979, she provided general reference and bibliographic instruction, especially in science and engineering, at the Science Reference Library of the University of New Mexico General Library. Carol is Past Chair of the Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics Division, Special Libraries Association (1991-92). She has been Co-Chair of the Library Committee of the American Mathematical Society since 1999. Past teaching positions include Adjunct Instructor at Indiana University School of Library and Information Science, 1987, and Guest Lecturer at Palmer School, Long Island University, Spring 2001. Carol holds a Master's of Library Science degree from the University of California, Berkeley (1975) and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Mathematics and German (with a minor in Computer Science).