David L. Rodgers has particular expertise in organization and business planning for technology-based enterprises that builds on a successful career in information technology and business.
He is an adjunct faculty member at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida. Previously, he directed the technology team responsible for professional fee billing for the University of Michigan Medical School. He has provided business strategy consulting to the Council on Library Information Resources (CLIR) and the Digital Library Federation (DLF). He has been a research scientist at the University of Michigan School of Information, and developed a pioneering course in digital libraries. He has been the executive vice president for Argus Associates, director of enterprise information systems for the University of Michigan Health System, director of electronic products and services for the American Mathematical Society, and founder and president of ArborText. He is the chair of electronic products and services for the Canadian Mathematical Society, and has served on their board of directors. In addition, he is a category editor for Computing Reviews, and has been a member of the CISTI Journals Board at the National Research Council (Canada).