Computing Reviews

Starting LISP for AI
Coxhead P., Blackwell Scientific Publications, Ltd.,Oxford, UK,1987.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 11/01/88

Starting LISP for AI introduces readers to the fundamentals of LISP programming and its application to building AI programs. The readers are expected to have some understanding of computing, computer programs, and AI. The book is divided into two major sections. Part A is devoted to describing the fundamentals of LISP, while part B delves into the AI applications. The overall structure of the book may well suit the requirements of a textbook for an undergraduate course on introductory AI programming. Although the author points out that no assumptions are made as to the previous programming experience of the reader, it is doubtful that readers who have never programmed can do full justice to this book. The author tries to keep the LISP taught in this book above dialect level by not concentrating on any particular implementation (e.g., Common Lisp). Advanced topics like recursion and variable scoping are nicely dealt with, though not in much detail. Apart from some typos (incorrect references between code examples and text), part A is pretty easy reading. Part B, which describes the applications of LISP programming in AI, takes a very interesting approach. AI techniques like search algorithms and rule-based programming are introduced using a bottom-up view. To introduce each technique, a problem is presented, and LISP code for it is evolved to a point where it can be completely identified as an implementation of a technique, such as best-first search or a backward chaining control mechanism. For those with an appetite for seeing real code, this is a good way of learning and understanding AI programming techniques.

The liberal sprinkling of well-conceived exercises throughout the chapters certainly qualifies the book for use as a classroom text. Although the book is at a more elementary level than some popular texts on LISP programming (e.g., Abelson and Sussman [1], and Winston and Horn [2]), a concise and complete reference list at the end of the book leads the readers to more advanced books on AI and AI programming.


Abelson, H. and Sussman, G.The structure and interpretation of computer programs. MIT Press/McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. See <CR>, Rev. 8504–0263.


Winston, P. H. and Horn, B. K. P.LISP. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1984.

Reviewer:  C. Apte Review #: CR112607

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