Computing Reviews

Learning by doing with simulated intelligent help
Carroll J., Aaronson A. Communications of the ACM31(9):1064-1079,1988.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 06/01/89

This paper reports the results of a study on the usability of an on-line intelligent help facility. This facility was simulated in an environment in which users learned to use an interactive application by performing tasks with it. The authors state that their research had two goals: to define usability issues for on-line intelligent help and to investigate interface simulation as a technique for research into the use of on-line intelligent help. Notes, videotapes, and think-aloud commentaries from the study are the principal sources of data discussed in the paper. The authors conclude that although potential problems exist, intelligent on-line help can support users in a task completion scenario. The paper discusses these problems, citing portions of the think-aloud commentaries to support the discussion, and concludes with an extensive discussion of directions for future research.

The paper is well written and organized and provides a thoughtful analysis of the data. The authors provide sufficient detail for the reader to understand the methodology. This paper should be read by user interface designers and researchers interested in applying artificial intelligence to on-line help or to training materials for computer systems.

Reviewer:  M. P. Tarka Review #: CR113039

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