Computing Reviews

On the all-pairs-shortest-path problem
Seidel R.  Theory of computing (, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 4-6, 1992)7491992.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 03/01/93

An ingenious simple trick enables the author to improve a previous result of myself, Z. Galil, and O. Margalit [1] for an interesting special case. He obtains an algorithm that finds the distances between all pairs of vertices of an n -vertex undirected and unweighted graph in time O ( M ( n ) log n ), where M ( n ) is the time needed to multiply two n -by- n matrices of small integers (which is known to be O ( n 2.376 ). This is a beautiful short note. A more general (but more complicated) algorithm that works for the case of small weights as well has been found by Galil and Margalit.


Alon, N.; Galil, Z.; and Margalit, O. On the exponent of the all pairs shortest path problem. In Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, 1991, 569–575.

Reviewer:  Noga Alon Review #: CR116499

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