Computing Reviews

Split-Path Enhanced Pipeline Scheduling
Shim S., Moon S. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems14(5):447-462,2003.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 12/01/03

Software pipelining is a technique used by modern compilers to generate high performance code for modern processors. This technique increases instruction-level parallelism in the generated code. The paper describes a new method for software pipelining, called split-path enhanced pipeline scheduling (SP-EPS).

The paper has six sections. The first section introduces software pipelining, pipeline scheduling, initial intervals (II), and related concepts. The second section is on previous work on pipeline scheduling. Various fixed II- and variable II-based approaches are discussed via example. In the third section, after a presentation of the enhanced pipeline scheduling (EPS) algorithm, the SP-EPS algorithm is described in detail. The SP-EPS algorithm for outer loops is described in the fourth section. The results of an evaluation of SP-EPS are described in the fifth section. This evaluation was carried out with respect to the impact of SP-EPS on performance, in comparison to various other similar techniques. The evaluation is also done with respect to the register requirements of the pipelined loops and the size of the generated code. The sixth section contains a small summary of the paper.

The paper spans 16 pages, including 23 references. It has 16 figures, including various diagrams and performance graphs for explanation and demonstration.

Reviewer:  Maulik A. Dave Review #: CR128675 (0404-0413)

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