Computing Reviews

A visualization-based computer science hypertextbook prototype
Rössling G., Vellaramkalayil T. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)9(2):1-13,2009.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 12/08/09

Algorithms and data structures have long been illustrated via dynamic animations and series of visualizations. In 2006, an Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) Working Group proposed combining hypertext-based textual materials with visual elements and aspects from a learning management system. Rössling and Vellaramkalayil present a prototype module--a community-shared visualization-based computer science hypertextbook (VizCoSH)--for the seamless integration of algorithm visualization into learning materials used in computer science courses. They provide time-efficient ways for computer science educators to integrate algorithm visualization into teaching activities. Surveys suggest that such materials may help learners better understand algorithms and data structures.

In this initial module, the authors take advantage of the Moodle learning management system, which provides six of the ten features in their scaled-down prototype; an existing plug-in provides two more. The authors extend the module to support algorithm visualization, in order to achieve the goals for the prototype.

The resulting module supports content from the following algorithm animation and visualization systems: JAWAA2, GAIGS, JHAVE, ANIMAL, and Jeliot. Most of the module is not specific to Moodle; it should be easy to carry over to other learning management systems. The time for adding new visualizations in this environment averaged less than two minutes. The authors welcome others to use the module and contribute content.

The challenge the authors and contributors face in this effort to realize the ambitious goal of the ITiCSE Working Group, set in 2006, is the classic one of software obsolescence. By the time the goal is fully realized, the tools upon which the solution is built may no longer be the best. Despite the way in which this challenge may be addressed, the goal for educators remains a worthy one.

Reviewer:  Wm. R. Oates Review #: CR137557 (1006-0632)

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