Computing Reviews

Spatial learning and navigation using a virtual verbal display
Giudice N., Bakdash J., Legge G., Roy R. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception7(1):1-22,2010.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 04/22/10

The virtual learning environment has been an effective tool for the learning process; it continues to gain importance, with gradual improvements in technology, tools, and methods with a special focus on information technology. User behavior, user perception, and the usability and usefulness of the virtual tools available are major determining factors for supporting a virtual environment for learning. There is ongoing research to improve the tools and methods used in this area, in order to improve aspects of these influencing factors. The complexity of these areas of research is growing, especially when one considers multimedia environments with convergence, with user constraints in each dimension (visual, voice, and written).

This paper presents simulated research on a virtual learning environment, with experiments involving homogeneous samples. Giudice et al. adequately explain the details of their research methods and the rationale for choosing them. They conduct three interesting experiments, on 19 samples.

The paper seems to be constrained by fewer samples that are homogeneous in nature. Nevertheless, the research methods adopted are quite noteworthy, and will generate interest among researchers working in this challenging area.

Reviewer:  Harekrishna Misra Review #: CR137925 (1008-0850)

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