Computing Reviews

An efficient cache strategy for improving images’ quality
Cheng H., Wu T., Lee W.  ICIMCS 2009 (Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, Kunming, Yunnan, China, Nov 23-25, 2009)49-52,2009.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 05/21/10

Distributing videos to Internet users in real time will always be a challenging problem. A client-server-based architecture faces the predicament of server capability when handling a flux of requests. Therefore, peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are widely adopted for streaming videos to users.

In P2P, each user acts as both a server and a client. In the server role, a user stores parts of the frames in a cache that can be delivered to other users upon request. Because of the limited cache size, a replacement takes place when the cache is full and new frames need to come in. Traditional memory replacement strategies--such as last recently used (LRU) and first in, first out (FIFO)--can always be used. Cheng, Wu, and Lee propose in this paper a modified method, conditioned LRU (C-LRU), to handle the cache replacement.

C-LRU considers two factors. One is the cost of a frame defined as the hop distance. If a frame can only be obtained from a faraway peer, its cost will be high. The other factor is the importance of a frame in reconstructing the video.

The idea is simple. However, its rigorousness is not well demonstrated, perhaps because this is a conference paper. In addition, the English used is unacceptable.

Reviewer:  R. S. Chang Review #: CR138019 (1009-0902)

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