Computing Reviews

The adoption of hyped technologies:a qualitative study
Hedman J., Gimpel G. Information Technology and Management11(4):161-175,2010.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 02/24/11

In this paper, the authors examine factors affecting the adoption of hyped technology. They apply the theory of consumption values in order to explore and understand the reasons behind its adoption. Finally, they propose a model that explains the adoption of hyped technology based on the research findings. The paper includes a literature review section with an extensive review of models and theories relevant to this topic.

If the study were to be done in a culturally diverse environment with a much larger sample size, it would be interesting to see how culture might influence the different factors. Because I am fascinated with hyped technology, I was excited to read this paper. Unfortunately, though the paper explores an interesting topic, I didn’t find anything that really “wowed” me. I agree with the authors that the literature lacks the theoretical insights on the adoption of hyped technologies, and I do appreciate the authors’ efforts; their work does fill a gap. However, the sample used is too small (n=15). Though the authors acknowledge the small sample size as a limitation, anyone could challenge the validity of the results and the conclusions made in this study.

Reviewer:  Norita Ahmad Review #: CR138839 (1109-0977)

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