Computing Reviews

Implementation of smart antenna API and transceiver API in software communication architecture for a wireless innovation forum standard
Kim J., Ahn C., Choi S., Glossner J. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing69(2-3):219-226,2011.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 05/16/12

In this paper, the authors consider the smart antenna (SA) application programming interface (API) developed by the Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnF). This API is implemented using Virginia Tech’s open-source software implementation-embedded (OSSIE) architecture.

The authors first verify that this SA API can be used in software-defined radio (SDR) systems that use the software communication architecture (SCA). (SCA specifies the core framework for the well-known common object request broker architecture (CORBA)).

The paper first describes the SA and transceiver APIs released by WInnF. The two APIs are then merged and executed on an SDR system operating on the SCA platform. Since multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is widely used in 4G systems, this approach is next tested on MIMO systems with success.

This paper verifies the functionality of SAs on the SCA platform. It is an important contribution because the standardization of these two APIs is essential to developing additional applications based on SAs. The paper includes a detailed description of the various tests and a short list of relevant references.

Reviewer:  S. Srinivasan Review #: CR140152 (1209-0921)

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