Computing Reviews

A scientific concept animation tool for content implementation in e-learning
Otoo E., Osikoya D.  SAICSIT 2012 (Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, Oct 1-3, 2012)243-252,2012.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 01/03/13

Otoo and Osikoya describe how to prepare animated presentations to be used in e-learning. The abstract states: “translate sequence tagged diagrams in 2D and 3D produced with Inkscape into Beamer frames with sequence diagrams with commands for animation.” The Beamer frames are then complied by LaTeX into PDF files. Several animation examples are given: max-heap data structure development, numerical integration of a sine function, proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, and Dijkstra’s algorithm for calculating the shortest path on a weighted graph.

The animations do appear to be helpful for students learning online. They would be useful in a lecture also. The preparation process appears manageable, although less detail is given on that aspect. Convincing arguments are given for the value of animation in teaching abstract concepts. The tool looks like a promising approach to an important aspect of online learning, although the paper does not include an evaluation of its effectiveness with students.

Reviewer:  B. Hazeltine Review #: CR140792 (1305-0430)

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