Computing Reviews

Graph reachability and pebble automata over infinite alphabets
Tan T. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic14(3):1-31,2013.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 11/07/13

It is known that a sentence of first-order logic of quantifier rank k can only express reachability in a directed graph of diameter at most 2k. Thus, general directed graph reachability is not expressible in first-order logic. The author of this paper considers the formalism of two-way alternating automata with k pebbles over an infinite alphabet, which is more expressive than first-order logic over an appropriate signature.

Tan proves a similar bound for this model, showing that general directed graph reachability cannot be modeled using pebble automata. The paper also establishes a strict hierarchy depending on the number of pebbles. A hierarchy of pebble automata on binary trees is considered in an earlier paper [1], but Tan does not refer to it.


Bojańczyk, M.; Samuelides, M.; Schwentick, T.; Segoufin, L. Automata, languages and programming (LNCS 4051). Springer, , 2006.

Reviewer:  K. Lodaya Review #: CR141710 (1401-0084)

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