Computing Reviews

Moya S., Tost D., Grau S., von Barnekow A., Felix E. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing34-351-10,2016.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 11/29/16

SKETCH’NDO is a game design framework targeting educators with no programming experience who want to provide serious game-based training and educational material to their students. It focuses on task-based, single-user activities; from a high-level description of the tasks to be learned and dedicated graphic elements, the SKETCH’NDO visual editor generates 2D or 3D video games that provide in-situation immersive training sessions. Even though there is only one player character (the trainee) in the generated scenes, a system-managed supervisor can intervene if needed, for instance to help or unlock a stuck player; neither the player nor the supervisor is embodied in the game. All actions initiated by the user, in a first-person perspective, occur via clicks on reactive objects; the game output includes explanations, scoring, and game progression. Adaptive player assistance and assessment can be provided during game play to enhance and fine-tune the game sessions for a particular trainee. The paper ends with the description of three use cases for SKETCH’NDO: a cooking exercise, an administrative task training, and a surgical tool placement problem for nurses.

I found the paper provided adequate information regarding the SKETCH’NDO architecture and its inner workings, while the related work section described useful references to similar systems. Unfortunately, the actual applications of SKETCH’NDO are very tersely described (a short paragraph for each case), which is too short to be really convincing as far as users’ appreciation and learning progress are concerned. Serious game researchers and practitioners are the key targets for this easy-to-read paper.

Reviewer:  P. Jouvelot Review #: CR144948 (1702-0134)

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