Computing Reviews

Pro CSS3 layout techniques
Hampton-Smith S., Apress,New York, NY,2015. 183 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 03/01/17

If you want to leverage the power of cascading style sheets (CSS), then this book may be of help to you. It is intended for those who take designing web pages seriously. You definitely need an understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to fully appreciate the contents. Starting out with a brief introduction, it proceeds to the concept and the basic need for CSS. We learn why separating the content from its layout and style is important. The author then follows with a recap of different levels of CSS. The book then goes into a roundup of the four principal features prior to CSS3: relative and absolute positioning, floated layout, block and inline display, and table layout.

The clear and concise examples that the author provides, contrasting the current features of existing versions of CSS as compared to those in the newer CSS3, are a great feature of the book. Those who are interested in just the new CSS3 version may jump directly into the third chapter and spend a bit of time, and then move onto the next four chapters that feature the more exotic features. These exotic features of layout in CSS3 are multicolumn layout, flexible box or FlexBox layout, grid layout, and regions layout. The last few chapters are important because they advise readers to remember to support older browsers and to consider making workflow more efficient using various libraries and frameworks.

The book would interest those who are involved with layouts using style sheets or are seriously considering getting into using them. You may wish to consider the book by Gaston [1] as a comparison. The style of that book is more lucid; if you can get along with learning just the current features of CSS3, it would be a better choice.

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Gaston, P. The book of CSS3: a developer's guide to the future of web design. No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, 2011.

Reviewer:  Amit Rudra Review #: CR145091 (1705-0251)

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