Computing Reviews

Vehicular cyber physical systems :adaptive connectivity and security
Rawat D., Bajracharya C., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2016. 75 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 03/31/17

The title of this slim book indicates that it is about the connectivity and security of vehicular cyber-physical systems. However, it only covers a very restricted range of these topics. Its five chapters are based on papers by the first author. These are quite specialized research papers, so the book cannot be considered an introduction to this topic. The preface does not indicate the objectives of the book or its intended audience. Given the specialized topics, it is clear that the book is directed to researchers; that is, instead of being an introduction to these topics, it is really a research monograph.

The first chapter gives a reasonably good but sketchy introduction to the communication aspects of vehicles. Then, things get very specialized. Two chapters discuss adaptive connectivity, in general and in fading channels. Connectivity also has system and software aspects, not just protocol aspects, but these are not discussed. A chapter on security presents probabilistic and deterministic approaches to determine the trustworthiness of messages received from other vehicles. There are several other threats that can happen in vehicular networks that are not considered, for example, denial-of-service and authentication attacks, so the name of this chapter (“Securing VANETS”) is misleading. A final chapter considers the use of clouds, but only talks about some aspects of performance evaluation.

In summary, this book might have something useful for communication specialists (who should really read the original papers), but almost nothing for cyber-physical system or software researchers or designers, much less for a wider audience.

Reviewer:  E. B. Fernandez Review #: CR145163 (1706-0329)

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