Computing Reviews

Java 9 recipes: a problem-solution approach (3rd ed.)
Juneau J., Apress,New York, NY,2017. 626 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 11/30/17

The Java language has recently been extended and improved considerably with the updates to Java 9. This book covers the essential new features of the Java language.

The book is divided into 22 chapters. In chapter 1, it shows how to start Java programming. In chapter 2, it introduces Java 9 enhancements. Chapter 3 presents the string in Java. In chapter 4, the author talks about numbers and dates. Chapter 5 is about object-oriented programming. In chapter 6, lambda expressions are presented. Chapter 7 focuses on data sources and collections, and chapter 8 discusses input and output. Chapter 9 works with error handling for catching exceptions. Concurrency is discussed in chapter 10, while chapter 11 starts to introduce debugging and unit testing. In chapter 12, the author presents Unicode. Chapter 13 discusses working with databases. Chapters 14 to 16 focus on JavaFX. Chapter 17 is for Java web applications with JavaServer Faces (JSF). Chapter 18 discusses scripting, and chapter 19 discusses email. Chapter 20 covers JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) processing. Networking is covered in chapter 21, and the last chapter, chapter 22, discusses Java’s modularity.

The book’s contents are presented very clearly. It uses a “problem--solution--how it works” format to cover every basic aspect of Java programming including Java 9’s new features. Java is too big to fully cover in a book of this size, but this book does discuss the basics and important parts. It is a book for Java programmers to quickly look up the programming problems that they want to resolve. Personally, I think the coverage of Java features in this book is extensive, but may lack depth. For example, in Section 3-2, I think it would have been better to address memory maps by using pictures and explaining clearly the string pool to show why the string comparison result is equal.

As it states on the back cover, this book will help readers “quickly find solutions to dozens of common programming problems encountered while building Java applications.” I think it’s good for all levels of readers. Overall, it is a helpful book.

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Reviewer:  Zhaoqiang Lai Review #: CR145688 (1802-0042)

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