Computing Reviews

Detecting and resolving deadlocks in mobile agent systems
Yang Y., Lu W., Xing W., Wang L., Che X., Chen L. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing42 23-30,2017.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 01/10/18

A mobile agent is a software abstraction that moves across a computer network performing various tasks for end users. For example, on a cellular network system, a mobile agent can be deployed to a remote server to monitor weather data and report back to the originator when a specific set of conditions has occurred. The authors in this paper propose and test a new algorithm, which will improve deadlock detection and resolution for mobile agents in a heterogeneous network. The testing was conducted using a simulation program written in Scala; this process demonstrated an improvement in agent mobility and data traffic.

The algorithms and mathematics associated with this proposal are detailed in sections 4 and 5. This information is not suitable for the layperson since the pseudocode is presented for readers who have prior knowledge of programming logic. However, despite this complexity, the performance evaluation section has sufficient information and graphical data to highlight the results of the proposed algorithm. This paper is best suited to network professionals and academics who are interested in mobile agents and how they traverse computer networks. The authors conclude with several suggestions for future work that would enhance and extend the proposed algorithm.

Reviewer:  S. M. Godwin Review #: CR145760 (1806-0341)

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