Computing Reviews

The legal technology guidebook
Williams K., Facciola J., McCann P., Catanzaro V., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2017. 142 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/12/18

Lawyers--the older generation at least--are notoriously technologically illiterate and fearful that placing information in some digital format will waive attorney-client privilege. All of the authors have backgrounds in law and technology and understand these and other issues. Their guidebook could function as a textbook in a law and technology course or serve as helpful background for a legal information administrator, as well as a practicing attorney. All professions must address the unfolding science of information management.

The authors start with ethical rules concerning attorney competence that gently explain why an attorney’s understanding of emerging technology is critical. Next come the unfolding rules of evidence that are being transformed by the new Information Age. Then appears very practical and hands-on information about how to best utilize the current available technology.

Information appears in brief bites with no knowledge required of the intricacies of programming and coding that frighten nonspecialists. For example, in about two pages, statistics and metrics are introduced in the context of predictive coding technology. This is easily understandable by laypeople.

The broad subject matter is broken into four parts: “Introduction to Technology Competence”; “The History of Technology Competence”; “Technology in Litigation”; and “Strategies for Achieving Competence.” There are several attached case studies, a list of scalability tools, sample questions to ask when creating a request for proposal (RFP), a legal technology product index, and a short glossary of technology terms. Finally, there is a general index and a list of legal citations and where they appear in the text.

This presentation of an important topic is prepared at a correct level of difficulty and length for its intended audience. I recommend it.

Reviewer:  Brad Reid Review #: CR145769 (1803-0140)

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