Computing Reviews

Fog computing in the Internet of Things :intelligence at the edge
Rahmani A., Liljeberg P., Preden J., Jantsch A., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2017. 172 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 05/10/18

The book is central to the understanding and advanced study of fog computing. It follows an effective model, based on eight scientific papers of a very high level, and is suitable for readers who want an introduction to the area, according to an organization inspired by the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) stack.

Part 1 is an excellent introduction to fog computing, with the fundamentals duly referenced and an outline of the book’s organization.

Part 2 (“Management at the Fog Layer”) addresses the resource estimation problem, which is crucial for the provision of a service; in this context, “fog computing is a middleware entity between underlying IoT nodes and [an] overlying cloud data center.” The second paper discusses the organic evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), which requires three “dimensions: scale, organization, and contextual awareness,” which “are particularly relevant in ultra-large-scale systems (ULSS),” using the case of autonomous vehicles.

Part 3 (“Services of the Fog Layer”) consists of three excellent papers that address important aspects: secure computing, including secure multi-party, with an analysis of an interesting application; “the benefits of intelligence and self-awareness in mist and fog computing,” with the presentation of four use cases; and urban IoT operations based on “the notion of context and computation-aware data selection and compression.”

The last section, Part 4 (“Application Use-Cases”), presents a case study for power management over a fog computing platform, with very vast and immense details that require careful analysis. The other paper, on applying fog computing in the IoT health domain, presents a vast set of IoT healthcare services and “an implementation of a smart gateway for fog computing.”

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Reviewer:  Joao Orvalho Review #: CR146027 (1807-0350)

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