Computing Reviews

Development of eye movement games for students with low vision:single-subject design research
Donmez M., Cagiltay K. Education and Information Technologies24(1):295-305,2019.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 03/14/19

This paper examines the development of computer games that could aid students with low or impaired vision. I found it difficult to read due to typographical errors and poor sentence structure. The text within each paragraph is sometimes repeated and topics do not flow, which leaves the reader going back to previous paragraphs in order to understand the context. Despite this issue, the ideas presented are valid and have been developed by other researchers and academics. It is not clear how many participants were used in the study, or if the same cohort was used in each of the three trials. While the researchers have hidden the specifics of the participants, they could have provided some basic details like age range, gender breakdown, and degree of visual impairment.

The subject matter is important and has significance for visually impaired students as they move through the education system. Any research that improves the quality of daily life for these students is a relevant topic for examination, and this research adds to that greater body of work. However, the conclusions only support previous studies and some aspects of games theory. The authors conclude that the computer game exercises can be beneficial. An interesting paper that could be enhanced with more detail and further research.

Reviewer:  S. M. Godwin Review #: CR146467 (1905-0203)

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