Computing Reviews

C programming and numerical analysis :an introduction
Nomura S., Morgan&Claypool Publishers,San Rafael, CA,2018. 200 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/25/19

It is often assumed that scientists are proficient in computer programming--after all, they use computers as their primary work tools, don’t they? Well, this is not always the case: computer programming is a field of its own, with its many subtleties, quirks, and snags, which must be mastered alongside one’s chosen scientific research field. This book can definitely help.

C programming and numerical analysis teaches sophomore-level students to hone their programming skills while they study their majors; however, it can benefit other audiences, too. Professor Nomura has transformed his notes from his numerical analysis course into this textbook. Each chapter includes text and exercises at the end, although without solutions. On the other hand, any computing problem can be solved in many different ways, right?

Part 1 covers the basic principles of programming and uses the C language to explain them hands-on: variables and data types, arrays, pointers, operators, control statements, functions, string manipulation, file handling, and command-line arguments. It also differentiates between interpreted and compiled languages, explaining that the latter, which C belongs to, although slightly more difficult to write, are faster and hence more suited for scientific problems. This part even presents programming concepts not suited to scientific problems, such as object orientation. On the whole, it is a quick yet comprehensive overview of programming.

Part 2 applies the C language to numerical analysis problems: roots of f(x)=0, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, simultaneous equations, and differential equations. It also advises readers on how to cope with numerical (rounding) errors. Again, a fast overview of numerical analysis and what it is all about.

Each chapter includes clear listings of simple C programs, including for each problem covered in the text. It is a pity these listings cannot be downloaded from some online source, but after all, hands-on learning is best when it comes to programming. In this respect, at the beginning of the book, instructions are given on how to compile and run C source code, both in Linux/Unix environments, which are most likely used at universities, and in a Windows one, which is probably more commonly used in a student’s home or dorm. This last case, the Windows environment, can also be applied to many other common scenarios, including both large and small organizations and individuals working on their own.

The most important quality of this book is terseness. As stated in the foreword, it is neither a textbook on numerical analysis nor a textbook on C programming; for those, references to more comprehensive books and websites are given throughout. It is instead a work that can bring anybody, not just sophomore students, up to speed on how to move from abstract problems to working solutions with a keyboard and a screen. Most importantly, readers will be able to outline at least a working software program and competently discuss it with programmers or other information technology (IT) personnel.

Reviewer:  Andrea Paramithiotti Review #: CR146705 (1912-0414)

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