Computing Reviews

Core Java, volume I--fundamentals (11th ed.)
Horstmann C., Prentice Hall Press,Upper Saddle River, NJ,2018. 928 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 11/12/19

Core Java is a longstanding series by computer science professor Cay Horstmann, who has written several books on programming languages. This edition is a classic textbook for high school seniors and college freshman. In 2020, Java will be 25 years old. Its long history is captured in the first chapter.

To study the book, it is best to have access to a computer with Linux, macOS, or Windows. The book gives clear instructions on how to download the Java Development Kit (JDK) from the Oracle website for all of the platforms. The book also goes into the details of development platforms. Programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python can be written on a simple editor like vi or Emacs and compiled on the command line. They can also be programmed through an integrated development environment (IDE). The book introduces how to accomplish these tasks for Java before diving deeper.

Once readers are equipped with a computer, development environment, runtime environment, and editor, they can learn the basics of Java. All of the programs in the book can be downloaded from the author’s website ( Each example clearly illustrates the concepts introduced. Initial chapters go into basic programming structures and data structures mapped to Java, with examples such as integers, variables, math operators, strings, arrays, input/output, and control flows (loops, while statement). After this, readers will be able to write and understand basic programs.

Then the book goes into object-oriented programming and uses the unified modeling language (UML) for class diagrams. Object-oriented paradigms such as class, objects, and methods are mapped to Java constructs. The book uses comparisons with C++ at multiple points in the chapters, which is useful for readers who come from a C++ background. Subsequent chapters cover concepts such as inheritance (superclass, subclass), polymorphism, interfaces, and lambda expressions. The book also goes over assertions, exceptions, and logging; this is especially important for troubleshooting and creating quality code.

The book has separate chapters on graphical interface development and creating user interfaces. It also has a separate chapter on concurrency and how to create parallel programs to benefit multicore architecture.

The author’s website is a storehouse of information. As previously mentioned, it includes all the code referenced in the book, which can be used for study purposes. Errors in the text are also listed, as well as a bonus chapter. Advanced topics such as networking, databases, and internationalization are covered in volume 2 [1]. I wish the author had a volume for Android app development using all of the Java concepts covered in these volumes.

More reviews about this item: Amazon, Goodreads


Horstmann, C. S. Core Java, volume II--advanced features (11th ed.). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2019.

Reviewer:  Naga Narayanaswamy Review #: CR146770 (2003-0044)

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