Computing Reviews

Guide to automotive connectivity and cybersecurity :trends, technologies, innovations and applications
Möller D., Haas R., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2019. 645 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 10/09/20

Information technology (IT) specialists are very involved in vehicle design and maintenance. The technologies that support modern engine monitoring, navigation, driver information, and safety systems would be unimaginable to earlier generations of motorists.

Part of Springer’s “Computer Communications and Networks” series, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and trends of connectivity and cybersecurity in the automotive industry. An opening preface by the authors introduces the goals and layout of the book. Chapter 1 provides a high-level overview of the automotive industry and introduces the specific aspects of automotive technologies covered. The concept of connected cars is introduced, that is, vehicles that make use of embedded information and communications technologies (ICT), as well as the Internet, to deliver advanced technical services and features to drivers.

Chapter 2 presents a general overview of the global automotive industry, as well as industry trends in volume, revenue, emission controls, safety systems, and technological trends in particular. The rise of electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and real-time communications between vehicles and between vehicles and static infrastructure are covered.

Chapter 3 looks at the complex processes involved in developing new vehicles and the life cycle management of vehicle models. Stages of the automotive development process and tools used in this process, such as virtual reality, computer-aided design, modularization, and development platforms, are discussed. Development processes that would be familiar to anyone involved in software development are presented in an automotive industry context.

Chapter 4 provides an overview of the complex mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems, architectures, and requirements of vehicle design. Particular emphasis is given to software development for vehicle engine, sensor, driver information, entertainment, and safety systems. Software architectures such as the automotive open system architecture (AUTOSAR) that have become widely used across the industry are introduced.

Chapter 5 details key technologies essential for connected cars. It discusses the design and integration of technologies in communications, control, telemetry, and driver information, concluding with several case studies. Chapter 6 introduces cybersecurity issues that come with the use of ICT in vehicles. Risks, vulnerabilities, and system attack scenarios are discussed in an automotive context.

Chapter 7 looks at the software development, use, and integration of vehicle systems with applications on mobile devices, for example, smartphones. Design and development methodologies as well as the software life cycle are discussed. Chapter 8 introduces the concept of carsharing and the implications of this type of vehicle usage for the hardware and software technologies within the vehicle, as well as the implications and cybersecurity issues for communications with fixed infrastructure. Chapter 9 looks at the technology requirements of ridesharing and car hailing services. These services have the potential to reduce the physical infrastructure that cities need to support vehicles.

Chapter 10 considers software to assist in parking vehicles. Applications to facilitate location of vacant parking spaces, booking and cashless payment, as well as applications to automatically maneuver vehicles into parking spaces are covered. Major cybersecurity threats to these applications are analyzed and discussed. Chapter 11 moves on to discuss the software architectures, development, and implementation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) using the MATLAB development tool, as well as associated cybersecurity and safety issues. ADAS can use image processing in the detection and tracking of moving objects, which can support both drivers and autonomous driving.

In the last chapter, the authors summarize the major issues covered--indeed, starting with this chapter can provide an excellent roadmap for the rest of the book. The authors conclude with a discussion on future technology trends in the automotive industry, covering topics such as autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, and automotive cybersecurity.

Each chapter concludes with a good list of references and further readings. There is a thorough glossary of abbreviations used, a detailed table of contents, and a good index. The authors do a good job of explaining the rapid growth of ICT in the automotive industry. Importantly, the cybersecurity risks associated with this uptake are discussed--issues which the automotive industry, unlike the IT industry, would most likely not have previously encountered. This is a timely red flag to the industry that may help ensure cybersecurity risks are considered and addressed during vehicle systems design.

Reviewer:  David B. Henderson Review #: CR147079 (2103-0049)

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