Computing Reviews

RML: runtime monitoring language:a system-agnostic DSL for runtime verification
Franceschini L., Franceschini L.  Companion Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Proceedings of the Conference Companion of the 3rd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Genova, Italy, Apr 1-4, 2019)1-3,2019.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 11/18/20

This paper on the runtime monitoring language (RML) is a very brief look at a system-agnostic domain-specific language (DSL) for runtime verification. This language is system agnostic due to its use of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as a communication format between the verification language and the instrumentation layer that wraps the system to be monitored.

The author provides an example of how the specification for the verification of an iterator would be written. There is also a brief summary of the implementation, which compiles the language down to trace expressions that are then implemented in Prolog. The translation into Prolog is implemented in Kotlin. When comparing against related work, the author focuses on the system independence of RML.

The design pattern of providing a wrapper or adapter to construct a uniform interface over heterogeneous systems is not new in any respect. Given that there is only a single client of the instrumentation layer in this situation, the success of the approach depends entirely on the relative complexity of the client, in this case RML, and the adaptation layer, which will need to be written for every system to be verified. A more detailed paper is required to formulate a qualitative assessment of the approach.

Reviewer:  Bernard Kuc Review #: CR147110 (2104-0079)

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